Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Last Stuff

Actually this is not the last stuff, I made this before I made jewellery set for my in-laws. This one is for a good friend of mine, she saws the photo of what I made with polymer clay and she asked if she can have a necklace. As a surprise I decided to make her a jewellery set. She wanted to wear it for Christmas Eve. Unfortunately some postal problem got in the way (as always).

Here is the set (necklace was made from leather cord):

2014 Christmas Gift for My In-Laws

I was on the mood of making another stuff with polymer clay after two necklaces for my mom & my sister. This time I made something for my mother-in-law & my sister-in-law.

I didn't create asymmetrical beads as I did for my mom or round beads as for my sister. I did cubes for my mother-in-law (1st set of jewellery) and thin squares for my sister-in-law (2nd set of jewellery). The wire for 1st set was too soft to work with. Should've done better but time was on my side.

I recently started my PhD (since October) and got tired easily after 1 long day of article readings. Yeah I know, I keep on complaining... can't help it though. I was working on some projects at the same time & had to divide my time at home to the crafts and the work I brought home, so it was tiresome at some point.

Anyway here they are:

Supposed-to-be Prayer Beads

My family was planning to go to pilgrimage in the end of December 2014, therefore I was having this idea to make prayer beads for my mom & my sister.

However with lack of skills on making jewellery, I found out the prayer beads for my mom looks more like a necklace. To avoid same problem with the prayer beads for my sister I tried different method. Luckily this time was successful. She told me that she didn't want her prayer beads to look like prayer beads, in other words she would want to wear them as necklace on daily basis if possible without looking like a religious person. This is to explain why the following pictures looks less like a "normal" praying beads. What is normal anyway? Normal would mean "banal" or "ordinary" so not normal would be special or extraordinary, right?

Here they are:
This one's for my mom (just arrived at her place recently)..

This one's for my sister (she likes something which is more playful, nothing with serious appearance). Both arrive at my mom's place after (about) 2 weeks. I hope they like it, I will have to wait a couple days more before they finish their pilgrimage tour.

Polymer Clay Jewellery: Necklace for a Bday Gift

After my experience with my pendant from polymer clay, I decided to make another one. Apparently this one has caught my friend's attention & she liked it very much. Since it was her birthday soon, I decided to granted her request to give her this necklace.

Again I worked with Cernit mostly & some faceted bead (bought about 2 years ago from Aliexpress).
Speaking of this website, despite numbers of choice of product & their competitive price I have decided to stop buying from them since 2 frauds happening to me but their value were too insignificant for my bank to claim for. If you do business with this website you should be very careful, there is no guarantee and their customer service has no service at all!!

Anyway, here is the necklace:

 Happy crafting!

Polymer Clay Jewellery: First try out

I've been buying some discounted polymer clay from
Not having idea for a couple of weeks on what to do with them or how exactly I can work with them until I watch some tutos in youtube. Some are great to look at but difficult to perform if you're not an experimented crafter (which is in my case).

One day I decided to try my luck, to make myself a pendant. I had no idea how much clay I should be working with etc so this is quite big (probably 5cm long & 3 to 4 cm wide). If my memory serves me right, I made this from Cernit clay only (I had some Cernit & Fimo).

This is how the pendant looks like:

 It took me couple of days to decide how did I want the necklace to be. I tried to make the necklace out of wire with my french knitter but nothing came out satisfactory (unfortunately).

In the end I decided to make the necklace out of yarn as you can see here:

I'm quite happy with the result!

Beaded Necklace by French Knitter

Did you ever heard of French Knitter? No, it's not a french lady who knits :) I heard this word somewhere in youtube, there are indeed some mysterious words that I don't even know why they are the way they are. In french it is called Tricotin (although some internet searching might direct you to different tool).

I haven't work a lot with this, but this is the first thing I created with my french knitter. This is a beaded necklace for my sister-in-law for her birthday.

I was referring to this video despite the difference between her knitter or mine:

However the resolution was not good enough to see in detail but you'll get the idea on how to create this.

Happy crafting!

Keychain for hubby

I was watching different types of video in youtube, hoping to find something I can do besides crocheting/knitting due to my problem with tendinitis.

I learn a new word "scoubidou" (not the funny dog who's afraid of the dark/ghost etc lol), I'm not sure why french call it this way though. Tried to ask my husband but of course he has no answer to this question since he's never interested in handicraft or stuff like this.

Anyway I found an explanation somewhere (I forgot to keep the link), but I did this keychain by using 3 scoubidous (lol, one is already hilarous, can you imagine 3??). Here is the result:

This keychain actually last until now (made this around January 2014 after we picked up our new car in Dijon). I must find another idea though to work with the rest of scoubidous.

Have fun crafting!